The SILVA Expedition is a traditional baseplate compass which features an easy-handling Dryflex™ housing, silicon rubber feet for precision map work, detachable safety-release lanyard, night-enabling luminous markings, magnifying lens, a clinometer for measuring slope angle, map-measuring scales in mm or inches, 1:25,000, 1:50,000 and GPS scales, plus built-in adjusters for magnetic declination (including permanent local adjustment). The Expedition can also map-measure 1:40,000.
The slope card is great both for detecting avalanche risk and for determining how challenging your journey will be. By knowing the slope, you can also judge any extra distance that you need to go due to the slope. The scale lanyard has two scales on it; 1:25, and 1:50, which facilitates to measure the distance of your hike. Since it is soft and bendable, it’s easy to place it directly on to your route on the map. The new graphics contain a more distinct arrow (Expedition) and also a more contemporary font.
The latest model features the following upgrades:
- Scale lanyard
- Two scales, soft and bendable, easy to place directly on to your route on the map.
- Slope card
- New graphics - more distinct, easier to read
Features & Specifications:
- Compass housing made from easy handling Dryflex™ rubber
- Map-measuring scales mm, inch;
- Scales: 1:25k, 1:40k, 1:50k, GPS scales, Lanyard; 1:25, / 1:50, mm, inch
- Built-in adjuster for magnetic declination
- Declination adjustment: Permanent adjustment for local magnetic declination
- Built inclinometer for vertical angle/slope measurement
- Luminous markings for night navigation
- Silicon rubber feet
- Built-in magnifier for detailed map reading
- Detachable lanyard
- Weight: 50 grams
Attachment: Detachable safety-release scale lanyard
5-year warranty